BAND FEESTo participate in the SCHS Band Program means you understand the financial obligations set forth. We incur expenses that are not covered by Fayette County or Sandy Creek High School. As a result, fees are charged to each band member to cover costs incurred while participating in the program.
You will be notified in advance of all costs and given a formal timeline for payment. Keep in mind that a student’s honor cord as well as any other extracurricular activities (prom, field trips, etc) may be withheld until all financial obligations are met. Financial Accountability: It is expected that all fee payments be made according to the published pre-determined payment schedule. If, for any reason, you are unable to adhere to the pre-determined payment schedule, you MUST communicate such to the Treasurer and put in place an Alternate Payment Plan Agreement immediately. This agreement must be agreed upon and signed by both the parent and the Treasurer. |